Pasjonujesz się Półwyspem Apenińskim oraz jego bogactwem kulinarnym?
Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich w Gdańsku zaprasza do wzięcia udziału w konkursie kulinarnym. Tematem II Międzynarodowego Kulinarnego Wyzwania jest “La cucina italiana – magia in cucina – Italian cuisine – magic in the kitchen”. Jest to rozgrywka skierowana do wszystkich uczniów szkół zawodowych o specjalizacji kulinarnej i cateringowej. Jedynym warunkiem, żeby wziąć udział w konkursie jest wysłanie pisemnej aplikacji (ze wszystkimi jej załącznikami) jednego przedstawiciela szkoły, który weźmie udział w tym Kulinarnym Wyzwaniu. Podczas Wielkiego Finału odbędzie się przygotowanie i prezentacja wybranych przez uczestników dań. Wielki Finał odbędzie się w laboratoriach gastronomicznych na terenie szkoły przy Al. Legionów 7 w Gdańsku. Za zajęcie I, II lub III miejsca przewidziane są atrakcyjne nagrody rzeczowe i finansowe 🙂
Serdecznie zapraszamy!
Stay tuned 🙂
Terms and Conditions of
II International Culinary Challenge
„La cucina italiana – magia in cucina – Italian cuisine – magic in the kitchen”
Organiser: Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich
Al. Legionów 7, 80-441 G d a ń s k, Poland
Important dates and locations:
Stage I – participating schools organise their own school-wide eliminations
Stage II – confirmation of participation, dishes proposal submissions, submission of name of an individual making up a participating team by 1 March 2019
Stage III – qualifying teams announced on the school website on 5 March 2019
Stage IV– Grand Finale on 3 April 2019 in Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich, Al. Legionów 7, 80-441 Gdańsk, Poland
- General Outline
- The II International Culinary Challenge is organised by Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich in Gdańsk, Poland
- The honourable patronage: Kuratorium Oświaty in Gdańsk
- The challenge partner: Polish Chefs Association
- Aims of the Challenge:
- promoting and cultivating traditional and regional Italian cuisine
- deepening the knowledge of traditional and regional Italian cuisine
- developing students’ vocational interests,
- evaluating one’s own professional skills ,
- popularising a variety of dishes and culinary traditions,
– integrating schools of the same vocational profile,
– strengthening cooperation between specialised schooling centres,
– strengthening cooperation between companies connected with gastronomy and schools
– awakening ingenuity, initiative and creativity,
– awakening the feeling of beauty and aesthetics,
- The theme of the II International Culinary Challenge in 2019 is:
“ La cucina italiana – magia in cucina -Italian cuisine- magic in the kitchen”.
2- Terms and Conditions of Participation
- The Challenge is open to vocational school students of a Cooking and Catering specialisation
- Students participating in the Challenge should be recommended by their instructors
- participating schools can register one participant
- The prerequisite for joining the Challenge is sending the Participation Form and Culinary Proposal (appendix no. 1), and Consent for processing of contestant’s personal data and image (appendix no. 2)
- Challenge Rules and Regulations
The Challenge is divided into four parts:
Stage I– individual school eliminations (participating schools set their own inner-school deadline). Each school is free to choose its own representative to participate in the Challenge.
Stage II – written application ( with all the attachements) submitted by 1 March 2019
Stage III – public announcement of 12 teams chosen for the Grand Finale on 5 March 2019
Each team must complete and submit the below documents:
*Participation Form and Culinary Proposal with a jpg format photo (appendix no. 1)
* Consent for processing of contestant’s personal data and image (appendix no. 2)
to the e-mail address: of Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich al. Legionów 7 , 80-441 Gdańsk, Poland
Stage IV – the Grand Finale on 3 April 2019: preparation and presentation of Challenge dishes – this stage will be held in the gastronomy labs of Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich, in Gdansk, Poland
Challenge Rules and Regulations
- a) Preliminary instruction for participants will take place before the start of the Challenge
- b) Qualifying participants should have valid health certificates and kitchen outfits that comply with health and safety codes
- c) School gastronomy labs will be made available for the preparation of the dishes
- d) The organiser offers the following kitchen equipment and appliances: two-burner gas cookers/stoves, hot and cold water sinks, one-meter counter, small kitchen equipment necessary to prepare dishes. Additionally, (a) convection steam oven(s), microwaves, mincers, blenders, food processors, refrigerators and freezers will be at participants’ disposal
- e) The organizer provides some of the basic products such as: flour type 0, eggs, tomatoes, basil and salt
- f) Participants are welcome to use their own small kitchen utensils such as knives, cutters, carving tools etc.,
- g) Teams will start competing against one another every 5 minutes,
- h) Participants will be allowed to prepare their work station, arrange small kitchen equipment and products as well as get acquainted with their work space 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the Challenge
- i) On their own, the finalists will have to prepare:
- j) The qualified antipasto (a starter of one type) –3 degustatory servings
- k) The qualified main dish degustatory servings (150 grams max the decoration included)
- l) 90 minutes will be allotted for preparation
- m) Each team must prepare 3 servings of the main dish (two will be judged by the competition jury, one will be for the presentation table),
- n) For the dishes participants are obliged to choose 5 ingredients/products out of a list of obligatory products
- o) Purchase of all necessary products (except for the basic ones such as flour type 0, eggs, tomatoes, basil and salt ) and ingredients for creating the proposed dish is at the participants’ own cost
- p) Participants may not use previously-prepared, semi-finished products, artificial, previously-prepared decorations and additives, ready-made sauces ( fond, mayonnaise and ketchup may be used as a base), previously-prepared dishes or their elements, ready-made stuffings, previously-formed elements of meat, vegetables and cakes.
- q) Participants will serve their dishes on plates provided by the organizer
- A list of obligatory products:
- a) vegetables
-endive, broad bean, fennel, asparagus, Tropea red onion ( cipolla rossa di tropea)
- b) fruit
– apples, pears, strawberries, lemons, cedar, oranges
- c) additives
– black or green olives, anchovy (acciughe), capers, saffron, green and black pepper
- d) cooked meats(affettati)
-raw ham (prosciutto crudo), speck, spicy salami (salami picante), mortadella (polony), bresaola
- e) dried fruit
-pistachios, nuts, pine nuts (pinoli), almonds, raisins
- Dishes Evaluation
- Professional jury (chosen by the organiser) will monitor the Challenge and ensure it runs in accordance with the Rules and Regulations
- The Challenge will be judged by two independent juries (technical and tasting); points from both juries will be combined for a final score
- Evaluation criteria:
Preparation of workplace, cleanliness and hygiene 0-10
Organisational skills, products usage, managing waste 0-10
Right technique of products processing 0-10
Level of competence and variety of techniques 0-10
Tasteful look and colour 0-10
Proporcionality of composition 0-10
Taste balance 0-20
Structure of elements of the dish 0-10
- The jury reserves the right to disqualify the participant and refuse the award if:
* the work not being prepared during the competition;
* registration is incomplete;
* the terms and conditions of the Challenge are violated.
- In the event of a tie, the jury will vote which team takes the lead.
- Awards
- a) For taking I, II, III place the participants will receive diplomas and different substantial and financial awards.
- b) Organiser reserves the right to give extra awards.
- Accommodation
- a) the organiser provides accommodation for the participant and his/her mentor from abroad only.
- Summary
- The organiser is responsible for the organisation and the run of the Challenge
- The Challenge jury is responsible for the proper run of the Challenge in accordance with its Rules and Regulations as well as objectivity with regards to evaluation
- The jury-approved Challenge results are non-negotiable
- All participation forms (see attachments #’s 1, 2, 3 and the note regarding the oral presentation) must be sent to organiser’s email address – this is the basis upon which the jury will decide the final qualifiers
- The organiser of the Challenge does not take responsibility for the personal appliances, equipment and any other belongings of participants and their instructors
- Registration should be completed by filling in the relevant forms (see attachments) together with the participant’s personal details, such as name, surname, home address, mobile phone number, PESEL (if relevant), gastronomic school or company’s full name, declaration of consent of adult participant .
- Each participant, and his/her school, is responsible for any accrued costs, including transportation as well as all the extra products purchased expressly for the Challenge
- The organiser of the Challenge reserves the right to publish the participants’ personal data, their dishes’ names and recipes, as well as pictures taken during the Challenge, including people and Challenge works regardless of the place taken.